Yesterday me, Emmy and Dennis had a great time at the common room. Played a little bit pool and drinking a little wine and people playing guitar in the background. Before all that a great dude that we have got to know his name is Matt had cooked some dinner for us. It was delicious!
Today we're going to see our first Australian football game. It is called AFL. For us it looks like rugby but you can pass the ball forward but we'll see soon enough :)
In our time here we've seen a couple of strange animals. One of the strangest animals yet is a Possum. We see them all the time climbing in the tree's and on the electric wires.
This is a Possum:
Ring oss på skype någon gång inom de närmaste timmarna, då vi troligtvis är hemma (söndag fm) Klockan är nu 09.00 på fm.
Deet låter som att du har det jätte bra! Hoppas jag är hemma nästa gång du ringer med Skype! Imorgon börjar jag jobba igen och har avslutat semestern med massor av regn! kram Mirja
SvaraRaderaDet kommer fler chanser :) ha en trevlig semester.
SvaraRaderaKram André