Hi everyone!
It's been a busy week with a lot of school work and partying but also some other interesting stuff happening.
On thursday just like every thursday we go to the eagle bar and drink a couple of beers but before that Me, Dennis, Emmy, Matt and Lauren went to a pub closer to town to eat "Chicken Parma". It was an enormous filé so we got pretty full (and we drank a couple of jugs to so..).
When me and Dennis were on or way home from Eagle bar something cool happened.. Dennis stopped me and pointed at something in front of us. It was a Possum standing on the ground on it's two legs staring at us and then started running towards us. Maybe one meter from us it turned and ran in to someones backyard instead. Pretty cool experience nevertheless haha :)
The morning after when I just woken up, I went down to eat breakfast. Emmy told me: "You have to go in to the bathroom and look to the left of the door."
So I did. There was some kind of bug. Couldn't really see what it was but after a while I got the mission to get it out from the house. So i sprayed it with some mosquito spray and that's when it woke up. All legs unfolded from it's sleeping state and the bug started moving. That's when I saw it was some kind of cockroach. So I took a plate and a glass. I carefully pushed the roach between the glass and plate. Then I was going to release it in to a kind of a well(or spring). I took away the glass and the turned the plate. The roach still wasn't falling in to "street well" so because I had my fingers on the edges of the plate I panicked of the thought of the roach climbing up my arm. So I dropped the plate. 1-0 Roach vs Andy. But the roach fell into the well even if it cost me a plate. 1-1 Roach vs Andy.
This saturday we also went to the Zoo. The Zoo was gigantic. It had a lot of animals from all over the world. It was a shame that the Kangaroos were just sleeping at the time but still got to see some fascinating animals. It was annoying however with all the kids there. They were screaming like crazy, punching the windows of the poor animals, and were always running in to you..
All right thats all I got for you this time!
ha ha. Åströms och kackerlackor! Tur det inte var en skorpion i alla fall. Men André borde inte du vara van vid skrikiga barn. Alla dina systrars barn borde väl ha gjort dig härdad! Vi hade också ett litet möte med ett djur igår ! En igelkott! Han gick fram mot hela familjen och verkade väldigt nyfiken på oss tills att Neo började fäktas med honom. Då blev den lite rädd och försvann in i häcken !Melvin gärna klappa alla djur han stöter på. Igelkotten stoppade vi honom från att klappa. Sen upptäckte han en mördarsnigel och klappade den innan jag han reagera, men Melvin insåg ganska snabbt att det inte var så mysigt att klappa dem. i Göteborg stoppade han ner händerna till krabbrona vi hade i en spann och skulle klappa dem, men blev inte så glad när de knap honom i fingret. Ha det så bra lillborsan! kram Mirja
SvaraRaderaHaha va härligt! Melvin verkar vara en riktigt djurvän iaf :)