tisdag 9 augusti 2011

Rain man!

Today it has been raining most part of the day. Today was just an ordinary school day where I went to my programming class and then went to the gym.

Melbourne has these beautiful parrots everywhere and today when I was walking home these parrots were blocking the sidewalk.. they did not move even if I was walking towards them. So i had to step out and walk on the streets instead.. Damn parrots! But they are beautiful. You can only see those parrots in pet stores in Sweden.

La Trobe has a excellent sport centre where I have the gold pass. Which means I get access to the gym and the pool if i would like to go for a swim. You can check out the gym with this brochure:

2 weeks ago I started this new workout schedule. It is actually the same workout program as Brad Pitt had during the movie "Fight Club". So maybe I'll have a Fight Club body in a near future. Wish me luck I WILL NEED IT!.. :P

(look at that face! that means business ;) )

4 kommentarer:

  1. Om det funkar kan du sätta Erik på samma program :) När får vi se bilder på huset ?



  2. hej! jag saknar din gym pepp **

  3. Mirja: Haha klart jag kan :) Jag ska se om jag kan övertala Dennis och Emmy att göra det idag efter skolan :)

    Miss.Button: Jag saknar din positiva energi! Otrolig energy du smittar av dig när man är i din närhet :) Blir kul att ses i December :)

  4. hahaha lookin' good Andy! We call those parrots Cockatoos :)
